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How to monitor the effectiveness of safeguarding policy and practice against sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment (SEAH): a guidance note and indicator bank for CSOs

This resource is a how-to-note which provides guidance to help civil society organisations (CSOs) measure how effective their safeguarding policy and practice is against sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment (SEAH). It is accompanied by an indicator bank, which sets out a range of key indicators that can be tracked, to understand the effectiveness of safeguarding efforts across the organisation and programme.

Guidance note for mainstreaming gender considerations into energy access programme

This resource aims to provide universities in Africa with examples and support to mainstream gender into post-graduate energy access programmes, using 6 levers:

  • gender-focused learning outcomes
  • gender and energy access content
  • gender inclusive teaching and learning activities
  • multi-disciplinary programmes
  • enrolment and retention of female students
  • an enabling environment for all university staff

It forms part of the Transforming Energy Access-Learning Partnership (TEA-LP) Gender Research Agenda.

Guidance for Department for International Development country offices in preventing and addressing violence against women and children

This resource is guidance developed for country offices in the UK Government’s former Department for International Development (DFID) to support them with efforts to prevent and address violence against women (VAW) and violence, abuse and exploitation of children (VAEC). It summarises evidence from DFID research and programming on the intersections between VAW and violence against children (VAC), including: the role of social norms; shared risk factors; the heightened risk of violence that adolescent girls face; and the intergenerational nature of violence. 

Gender-transformative social protection in crisis contexts: guidance note

This resource is a guidance note which provides design and implementation considerations for gender-responsive and transformative social protection in crisis contexts. It consolidates existing evidence and short case studies into actionable guidance to address gender inequalities. As inequalities are exacerbated during crises, the guidance note identifies ways to implement actions that can help reverse, and even transform, the disadvantages experienced by women and girls in these contexts.

Gender, sexuality and the Sustainable Development Goals: a meta-analysis of mechanisms of exclusion and avenues for inclusive development

This resource draws on data from the Institute of Development Studies’ Sexuality, Poverty and Law programme. It outlines the impact of discriminatory laws and policies on people marginalised because of their gender identity and/or sexuality. It maps these findings onto the contemporary Sustainable Development Goals framework.

Global Innovation Fund gender toolkit

The Global Innovation Fund uses gender analysis tools to consider each of their investments through a 'gender lens'. This resource is a toolkit that supports the analysis of gender issues for innovations focused specifically on gender impact, and the consideration of gender issues for innovations primarily focused on non-gender impact outcomes. The resource comprises:

Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) self-assessment tool for projects

This resource is a self-assessment tool that provides a gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) framework to help practitioners identify areas for improvement in their projects and adapt them to become more GESI transformative. Transformative activities are more likely to deliver sustainable change in education equality and the lives of project service users as well as future generations of girls. The resource was designed to assess whether high level GESI ambitions were being delivered at the activity level, as part of a monitoring cycle.

Promoting gender equality, disability and social inclusion through infrastructure

This short resource sets out evidence to show that infrastructure is vital for societal development and economic progress, however the benefits are often not distributed equally. 

It provides information for policy makers and programme staff on how to mainstream gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) into infrastructure initiatives. It sets out evidence that such mainstreaming will drive economic growth, enhance accessibility, and foster sustainable outcomes that benefit everyone.