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A research agenda to strengthen evidence generation and utilisation to accelerate the elimination of female genital mutilation

This resource outlines evidence gaps and research priorities that need to be addressed to eliminate female genital mutilation (FGM) over the next five years. The resource describes the different types of FGM and provides core background information. It also provides approaches to enable uptake and effective use of the evidence generated. Recommended approaches are based on a global evidence review on the effectiveness of interventions designed to prevent or respond to FGM over the past decade.

This resource is also available in French and Arabic. 

A guide to building meaningful and successful partnerships between international non-governmental organisations and organisations of people with disabilities

This resource details the discussions and outcomes from three peer-to-peer round tables run by Inclusive Futures in September 2022, involving project officers from international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and officers from organisations of people with disabilities (OPDs). Participants discussed their direct experience about what has and has not worked to build meaningful partnerships for disability-inclusive development or humanitarian projects.

A call to rebuild a future inclusive of all

This resource is a call to action to all stakeholders to include people with disabilities in response and recovery phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes a 6-minutes long video that shows the key messages from the Global Action on Disability high-level round table on COVID-19 and disability, with sign language interpretation. It can also be read on Microsoft Word or as a pdf. The website also shows which organisations have endorsed the call to action. 

The pdf is also available in French, Spanish and Arabic.

What works for health systems strengthening

This resource from the Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development (K4D) programme sets out promising practice for improving health systems and health equity. It is aimed at the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) staff working on health-related issues. 

The purpose of this resource is to summarise key messages and recent evidence on what works for health systems strengthening. It draws extensively on exiting evidence and toolkits relating to health systems strengthening. 

Disability-inclusive child safeguarding guidelines

This resource explains the need for disability-inclusive child safeguarding. It builds on consultations with children with disabilities and youth with disabilities, and experience from over 20 organisations. The resource includes information about best practices, key recommendations and practical tools. Each chapter outlines how to organise disability-inclusive child safeguarding and how to make each step of the child safeguarding cycle disability-inclusive. 

UK women, peace and security national action plan 2023 to 2027

This resource is the UK Government’s women, peace and security national action plan 2023 to 2027. It sets out the UK Government's commitment to reduce the impact of conflict on women and girls and ensure women’s and girls’ rights are promoted in conflict settings. The national action plan is the UK’s strategic response to delivering on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, the United Nation’s landmark resolution on women, peace and security.

UK Strategy: safeguarding against sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment within the aid sector

This resource sets out what the UK Government is doing to improve safeguarding standards across its overseas development assistance work. It focuses specifically on safeguarding from sexual exploitation and abuse and harassment within the humanitarian and development sector.

Three circles tool - organisational capacity assessment and planning tool

This resource is designed to be used when working with organisations of people with disabilities (OPDs). It is based on learning from programmes in the international development sector. Organisations of people with disabilities tested this tool. 

The resource is based on a model of three elements: ‘to be’, ‘to do’ and ‘to relate’. It is designed to support organisational capacity development, including through supporting discussion and learning, analysing gaps and weaknesses, identifying capacity building needs, and tracking progress over time.