This resource details the discussions and outcomes from three peer-to-peer round tables run by Inclusive Futures in September 2022, involving project officers from international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and officers from…
- Guidance document, Tools and templates
- Policy paper, Video, Multimedia
This resource is a call to action to all stakeholders to include people with disabilities in response and recovery phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes a 6-minutes long video that shows the key messages from the Global Action on Disability…
- Tools and templates
This resource from the Knowledge, evidence and learning for development (K4D) programme sets out promising practice for improving health systems and health equity. It is aimed at the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO…
- Guidance document
This resource explains the need for disability-inclusive child safeguarding. It builds on consultations with children with disabilities and youth with disabilities, and experience from over 20 organisations. The resource includes information about…
- Tools and templates, Video, Multimedia
This resource is a child-friendly animated video published alongside disability-inclusive child safeguarding guidelines and a toolkit. The aim of this resource is to inform children with disabilities about their right to be and feel safe…
- Policy paper
This resource is the UK Government’s women, peace and security national action plan 2023 to 2027. It sets out the UK Government's commitment to reduce the impact of conflict on women and girls and ensure women’s and girls’ rights are promoted in…
- Guidance document, Policy paper
This resource sets out what the UK Government is doing to improve safeguarding standards across its overseas development assistance work. It focuses specifically on safeguarding from sexual exploitation and abuse and harassment within the…
- Fact sheet
This resource outlines key principles to consider when applying safeguarding measures in humanitarian and development work. It makes specific recommendations around the inclusion of people with disabilities within safeguarding efforts. Also…
- Tools and templates
This resource is designed to be used when working with organisations of people with disabilities (OPDs). It is based on learning from programmes in the international development sector. Organisations of people with disabilities tested this tool.…
- Lessons from a programme
This resource outlines the limited way in which adolescents are included in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It focuses on the data gap in relation to adolescent boys and girls in the SDGs, and how their needs and risks are…
- Guidance document
This is a set of three resources from the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) on how to make social protection programmes accessible and effective for people with disabilities. These resources explain why it is important that people with…
- Guidance document, Tools and templates
This resource is the Murad Code which brings together existing minimum standards for the safe and ethical collection and use of information from survivors of systematic and conflict-related sexual violence (SCRSV). It outlines how survivors of…
- Case study, Guidance document, Tools and templates
This resource is a toolkit intended to support businesses to be disability confident. It includes practical guides, checklists, case studies and resources which are based on best practice and principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights…
- Evidence/literature review
This resource sets out the evidence base on technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV), an assessment of evidence gaps, and emerging research priorities. It also sets out some of the key methodological and ethical challenges in accessing…
- Guidance document
This resource is written for multinational businesses operating in low and middle-income countries that are working to decarbonise. It is designed for businesses that rely on significant numbers of female employees within their supply chains – for…
- Policy paper
This resource sets out the concept of social protection as a ‘solar’ system – a simple, cohesive, visually clear system. The system is made up of different ‘building blocks’, relating to policy, programme design, implementation and delivery. The…
- Lessons from a programme, Multimedia, Video
This video from the Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development (K4D) programme focuses on mental health. It discusses the latest evidence on community-based mental health work, and explains an approach called BasicNeeds for mental health in…
- Guidance document, Tools and templates
This resource is an International Protocol which outlines best practice guidance on how to document and investigate, sexual violence in conflict settings as a war crime, crime against humanity, act of genocide or other serious violation of…
- Graphic resource, Multimedia
This infographic explains how civil society organisations can design and deliver programmes that are safe for programme participants and general community members. The resource defines what safe programming is and sets out ways in which civil…
- Tools and templates
This resource pack from the Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development (K4D) programme explains how tax policy, administration and research can promote women’s equality and empowerment through being ‘gender aware’. The resource…
- Report
This resource examines the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex (LGBTQI+) people as important but underrepresented within atrocities research and atrocity prevention policy and practice. The resource…