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Youth-inclusive climate change adaptation: bringing intersectionality to the forefront of sustainable development

This policy brief provides an evidence review of literature focusing on the intersectional risks facing adolescents in the low- and middle-income countries due to climate change. The resource sets out practice in meaningfully including young people within climate policy and programming to ensure a youth-led, intersectional approach to climate action.

Impacts of internally displaced populations on their host communities

This resource from the Knowledge for Development and (K4DD) Helpdesk presents evidence on the medium- and long-term economic, social, and development implications of large scale internally displaced populations and refugees on the host communities.

It looks at the following areas: labour markets, prices of goods, wealth and consumption, business growth, environment, health, education, security and social cohesion.

A handbook on climate change: de-constructing climate change and heat stress for the urban poor

This resource aims to help poor people living in urban areas to understand climate change in simple and relatable ways. It explains what climate change is and how it impacts people differently depending on their socio-economic circumstances. It is meant for scientists, decision-makers and grassroot organisations.

The toolkit illustrates the impact of the climate change through the story of the everyday life of a family (including members of different age groups and gender) living in an urban poor settlement in a Central Indian city.

Community-driven development and indigenous, ethnic minority, and disability issues

This rapid literature review explores which community driven development (CDD) programmes have a clear focus or impact on indigenous people, ethnic minority groups or people with disabilities.

It describes findings and lessons learned from selected CDD programmes in the Asia-Pacific region, explaining key challenges and limitations as well as commonalities throughout the reviewed programmes. 

Building a fairer future: launching the Equalities Resource Hub

You can watch the recording of the launch of the Equalities Resource Hub, a new online platform funded by UK International Development. This online Hub brings together a curated collection of practical and evidence-based tools and resources designed to support policymakers and practitioners strengthen their work on gender and equalities.

Our event featured:

LGBT Rights and inclusion in small island developing states

This resource is a review that looks at the extent to which lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights are provided for under law in a range of small island developing states, and the record on implementation/enforcement, as well as approaches to promote LGBT rights and inclusion. Small island developing states covered are those in the Caribbean, Pacific, and Atlantic-Indian Ocean-South China Sea regions. The review draws on a mixture of grey literature (largely from international development agencies/non-governmental organisations), academic literature, and media reports.

Key challenges for refugee policies and programmes: a gender perspective

This evidence review aims to provide an overview of the key international legal frameworks, challenges, and legal, policy, and program responses around refugees from a gender perspective. The focus is on women and girls. It highlights major gaps and shortcomings in the extent to which gender differentiated needs have been responded to, including on the data front. The paper also highlights promising innovations and emerging good practice and connects what is known from both the humanitarian and development spheres.

Inclusion across the nexus in protracted conflicts

This briefing note summarises key considerations and resources to guide the inclusion of people most affected by intersecting inequalities in coordinated humanitarian, development and peacebuilding assistance programming in protracted conflicts. This is a common resource for development, humanitarian and peacebuilding advisors and programme managers within the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (and other aid organisations). It aims to inspire and inform cross-cadre discussions and collaborative synergies to achieve inclusion objectives in practice.