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Funding women peacebuilders: dismantling barriers to peace

This resource provides an analysis of the existing barriers to funding women peacebuilders, as experienced by donors and local women peacebuilding organisations dedicated to building peace, promoting rights, and preventing or countering violent extremism in fragile, conflict, and violent contexts. It also highlights recent developments, including examples of effective funding models and mechanisms.  

Funding does not equal inclusion: segregation and CRPD non-compliance in Official Development Assistance

This short resource compiles key data on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD)-compliance in Official Development Assistance (ODA) funded programmes. This analysis was originally published in Inclusion International’s 2020 report, ‘Excluded from the Excluded’

Foundational learning for all: including the most marginalised is possible, pragmatic and a priority

This resource is a think piece from the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Girls’ Education Challenge. It looks at why the most marginalised must be prioritised in global efforts to ensure foundational learning for all. 

The resource focuses on whether children and young people are learning in order to understand who is benefitting from efforts to improve foundational learning, and who is at risk of missing out.

FCDO disability inclusion and rights strategy 2022 to 2030

This resource is a strategy document which reaffirms the UK’s commitment to act as a global leader on disability inclusion and sets out the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s approach towards 2030. It builds on the UK’s strong legacy on disability rights and the achievements since the Global Disability Summit 2018 and Department for International Development disability inclusion strategy.

Excluded from the excluded: people with intellectual disabilities in (and out of) Official Development Assistance

This resource provides an analysis of the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Official Development Assistance and an analysis on funder compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Evidence digest focus issue: disability inclusion and political participation and leadership

This resource outlines the barriers to political participation and leadership experienced by people with disabilities. It presents the latest evidence and guidance on the right to vote, inclusive elections, engagement in decision-making processes and the representation of people with disabilities in elected office. The resource begins with learning from Sightsavers’ work to promote the rights of people with disabilities in civic and political life in Cameroon and Senegal.

Evidence digest focus issue: health and disability inclusion

This resource is an evidence digest on health and disability inclusion. It contains a guest blog from Alarcos Cieza on disability inclusion in health systems. It looks at the latest evidence and guidance on disability inclusion and health systems, and other topics including education, political participation, and employment. 

This resource is available in an easy read version.

Establishing a framework for the implementation of legislation to address anti-LGBT hate crime

This resource sets out the ‘next steps’ for governments that establish anti- lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) hate crime laws to support them in ensuring that those laws are applied fairly and robustly. It provides a framework that countries can use, which is based on comparative empirical evidence and international resources and highlights current practices in jurisdictions that have a mature policy on hate crime.