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Resource library: Inclusion and safeguarding in humanitarian contexts

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Welcome to our comprehensive resource collection dedicated to inclusion and safeguarding in humanitarian contexts.

Here, you'll find a wealth of resources aimed at guiding organisations on how to operate safely and inclusively during humanitarian crises, with a focus on adopting appropriate safeguarding measures and programming approaches that consider the needs of people who experience discrimination - for example, women and girls, people with disabilities, LGBT+ individuals, amongst others.

A humanitarian crisis is a situation of extreme need and suffering that may be associated with a natural disaster, extreme weather event, or conflict (or a combination of these) and results in either short or long-term damage. Conflict and crises disproportionately impact people who already experience discrimination and oppression. For example, gender-based violence typically increases, children are more likely to be forced to drop out of school, rates of unwanted and unintended pregnancy increase, and the informal and often hidden support networks used by LGBT+ people can be significantly disrupted.  

A range of individuals and organisations are typically engaged in responding to conflict and crises, with increasing emphasis on the importance of local, grassroots organisations’ experience and expertise in ensuring the safety and appropriateness of humanitarian response efforts.  

However, humanitarian responses often deprioritise the people who experience the greatest discrimination, and there is a risk of inadvertently causing harm while aiming to provide support. Working inclusively in humanitarian settings requires proactive consideration of different people's and groups' needs and experiences, including at the start of and throughout the programme life cycle.  

Safeguarding is also a critical component of inclusion in emergencies. It should include a set of robust practical measures aimed at reducing organisations’ potential to cause harm in the process of their work, and to rapidly and appropriately respond to any harm caused.  

Displaying 1 - 20 of 40 resources
Published: - Guidance document, Tools and templates
This resource is a how-to-note which provides guidance to help civil society organisations (CSOs) measure how effective their safeguarding policy and practice is against sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment (SEAH). It is accompanied by…
Published: - Report
The UK Government has committed to preventing and responding to conflict-related sexual violence and sets out the actions it will take in the UK women, peace and security national action plan 2023-2027.This resource addresses the gap in research on…
Published: - Guidance document
This resource focuses on the safeguarding risks that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex (LGBTQI+) staff face when working in or collaborating with civil society organisations. It makes recommendations for how organisations can make…
Published: - Evidence/literature review
This research focuses on the risks of navigating access to social assistance in crises for marginalised people such as women and girls, children and youth, older people, people with disabilities, ethnic and religious minorities, and sexual and…
Published: - Evidence/literature review
This evidence review aims to provide an overview of the key international legal frameworks, challenges, and legal, policy, and program responses around refugees from a gender perspective. The focus is on women and girls. It highlights major gaps and…
Published: - Guidance document
This resource explains the need for disability-inclusive child safeguarding. It builds on consultations with children with disabilities and youth with disabilities, and experience from over 20 organisations. The resource includes information about…
Published: - Guidance document
This resource explains the challenges people with disabilities can experience in humanitarian settings. These include barriers to accessing humanitarian assistance, protection risks, and stigmatisation and discrimination. The resource sets out…
Published: - Evidence/literature review, Report
This resource from the Knowledge for Development and (K4DD) Helpdesk presents evidence on the medium- and long-term economic, social, and development implications of large scale internally displaced populations and refugees on the host communities.…
Published: - Report
This resource examines prevalence and experiences of childhood sexual, physical and emotional violence in connection to the disability status. It looks at the profile of the perpetrator and the negative health outcomes associated with experiencing…
Published: - Case study
This case study is based on the findings of a survey looking at sexual health, reproductive rights and violence against children and youth. It outlines actions taken by humanitarian actors, based on the evidence produced by the Baobab’s Research…
Published: - Guidance document
This resource is a guidance note which provides design and implementation considerations for gender-responsive and transformative social protection in crisis contexts. It consolidates existing evidence and short case studies into actionable guidance…
Published: - Report
This report examines the intersections between gender equality, women’s economic empowerment and food security. It explores the following areas:links between gender equality, women’s economic empowerment and food insecurity and its effects on…
Published: - Fact sheet 
This resource explains what intersectionality is and why it is important to organisations working in humanitarian and development contexts. It also provides advice on how to integrate an intersectional approach into safeguarding work.  The…
Published: - Guidance document
This guide focuses on disability-inclusive safeguarding in the workplace. It was developed for organisations working in the humanitarian and development sectors. This guide has three sections:definitions of different disabilitiesrisks people…
Published: - Guidance document
This guidance document highlights practical examples of ensuring that women and girls with disabilities participate and benefit  from programming, drawing from a content analysis of projects from across the work of Inclusive Futures between the…
Published: - Guidance document, Tools and templates
This resource is a guidebook which focuses on State obligations for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, developed by the Mukwege Foundation with Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Imitative funding. The resource supports States to understand and…
Published: - Fact sheet 
This resource sets out the safeguarding risks faced by older refugees in the Middle East and North Africa. It focuses on protection from harm and ensuring they have access to vital services. It also provides guidance on how organisations working…
Published: - Fact sheet 
This resource outlines the safeguarding risks faced by refugees with physical disabilities. It provides guidance on how civil society organisations and humanitarian actors can adapt their safeguarding measures to prevent harm from occurring to…
Published: - Graphic resource , Multimedia
This resource aims to provide civil society organisations with a simple means of remembering key facts about safeguarding. The infographic focuses on four areas referred to as the ABCD of safeguarding:accountabilitybuilding…
Published: - Report
This resource from the Knowledge, evidence and learning for development (K4D) programme is a rapid review summarising relevant analytical frameworks and good practice for analysing intersecting social inequalities in crisis settings. The focus is on…