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Practice-based lessons for feminist, ethical, and evidence-based violence against women and girls prevention at scale

This resource examines the current evidence and practice around the prevention of violence against women and girls (VAWG). It makes recommendations for how prevention programming can be implemented at scale in a way that aligns with feminist principles.  It recognises that while there is evidence that localised prevention of VAWG is possible, evidence of impact is generally limited to a handful of interventions and contexts, and typically at an individual or relationship level as opposed to community or population level. 

Drawing on available programming and research evidence, the resource sets out recommendations for how to ethically approach scaling up VAWG prevention efforts. This resource was created to contribute towards discussions on pathways for scale as part of the Wilton Park November 2023 meeting, ‘What will it take to end gender-based violence? Rethinking pathways to preventing violence at scale’. 

Date of publication
What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls
Women and girls
Gender equality
Gender-based violence (GBV)       
Type of resource
Policy paper
FCDO-funded resource by partner
Medium (6-20 pages)
Geographical focus