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LGBT Rights and inclusion in small island developing states

This resource from the Knowledge, evidence and learning for development (K4D) programme is a review that looks at the extent to which lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights are provided for under law in a range of small island developing states, and the record on implementation/enforcement, as well as approaches to promote LGBT rights and inclusion. Small island developing states covered are those in the Caribbean, Pacific, and Atlantic-Indian Ocean-South China Sea regions. The review draws on a mixture of grey literature (largely from international development agencies/non-governmental organisations), academic literature, and media reports. While the information on the legal situation of LGBT people in small island developing states was readily available, there was far less evidence on approaches/programmes to promote LGBT rights/inclusion in these countries. However, the review did find a number of reports with recommendations for international development cooperation generally on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues.