This think piece explores the role of women’s rights organisations (WROs) in creating enabling environments for girls’ education and challenging harmful gender norms. It examines the constraints WROs faced and how they were overcome, their impact on…
Lessons from a programme
- Evaluation, Lessons from a programme
- Lessons from a programme, Tools and templates
This resource is a self-assessment tool that provides a gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) framework to help practitioners identify areas for improvement in their projects and adapt them to become more GESI transformative. Transformative…
- Evaluation, Lessons from a programme, Policy paper
This study brief, based on an independent evaluation, examines how projects under the Girls’ Education Challenge Phase II (GEC II) supported girls with disabilities and the outcomes of these interventions. Covering 41 projects across 17 countries,…
- Lessons from a programme, Policy paper
This policy paper provides top policy lessons on empowering adolescent girls. With overlapping crises such as climate change, the ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, regional conflicts and rising global food insecurity, adolescent girls are…
- Guidance document, Lessons from a programme, Tools and templates
The guidelines provide recommendations on how to conduct participatory research with people with disabilities. The guidelines are based on reflections, lessons learned, and examples of practices researched by the authors. These resources can be used…
- Lessons from a programme
This rapid literature review explores which community driven development (CDD) programmes have a clear focus or impact on indigenous people, ethnic minority groups or people with disabilities.It describes findings and lessons learned from selected…
- Lessons from a programme
This article examines the impact of a disability-inclusive intervention on learning outcomes for girls with disabilities in Kenya. It summarises the pre-existing circumstances and the project implemented by the non-governmental organisation. It…
- Evidence/literature review, Lessons from a programme, Policy paper
This resource summarises existing evidence on violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex people (LGBTQI+) people, and shares emerging insights into what works to prevent this kind of violence. It is based on a global…
- Case study, Evidence/literature review, Lessons from a programme
This resource examines the intersections of disability, gender and violence. It summarises early evidence on intimate partner violence (IPV) from the global What Works Violence against Women and Girls Programme (the ‘What Works’ programme), which…
- Lessons from a programme
This resource outlines the limited way in which adolescents are included in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It focuses on the data gap in relation to adolescent boys and girls in the SDGs, and how their needs and risks are…
- Lessons from a programme, Multimedia, Video
This video from the Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development (K4D) programme focuses on mental health. It discusses the latest evidence on community-based mental health work, and explains an approach called BasicNeeds for mental health in…
- Lessons from a programme
This resource provides a summary of recent evidence and research relating to female genital mutilation (FGM), generated through the Evidence to End FGM Programme. It describes FGM and sets out how this evidence and research has been used to…