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Gender equality

Published: - Strategy
This resource is the UK Government’s international strategy on women and girls. It explains how the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) plans to advance rights, freedoms and potential of all women and girls in its…
Published: - Evidence/literature review
This resource looks at how different international financial institutions (IFIs) frame and approach working on women’s economic empowerment, and the impact of this in practice. It provides information on what is effective in women’s economic…
Published: - Strategy
This resource is the UK Government’s strategy on preventing sexual violence in conflict (PSVI). It has 4 objectives:  strengthening the global response to conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV)preventing sexual violence in conflicthelping…
Published: - Policy paper
This resource is the political declaration made by over 50 countries and the UN at the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict (PSVI) Conference held in London in 2022. It sets out the joint action they will take to end sexual violence in conflict,…
Published: - Policy paper
This resource is a policy paper which sets out national commitments made by over 40 countries at the International Ministerial Conference on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict 2022. These commitments outline the steps each country will take to…
Published: - Policy paper
This resource is a declaration by the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office as part of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative (PSVI). It has been developed by faith and belief leaders in the UK and has received…
Published: - Guidance document, Tools and templates
This short resource is a guide to mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) into programming in conflict settings. It looks at the gender equality and social inclusion spectrum, which identifies whether programmes are gender…
Published: - Policy paper, Strategy
This resource highlights the Global Innovation Fund’s climate strategy, covering context, resilience and adaptation, and how the Fund will support climate adaptation in alignment with the Paris Agreement. According to this resource, the Global…