This resource outlines evidence gaps and research priorities that need to be addressed to eliminate female genital mutilation (FGM) over the next five years. The resource describes the different types of FGM and provides core background information…
Gender-based violence (GBV)
- Evidence/literature review, Tools and templates
- Policy paper
This resource is the UK Government’s women, peace and security national action plan 2023 to 2027. It sets out the UK Government's commitment to reduce the impact of conflict on women and girls and ensure women’s and girls’ rights are promoted in…
- Guidance document, Policy paper
This resource sets out what the UK Government is doing to improve safeguarding standards across its overseas development assistance work. It focuses specifically on safeguarding from sexual exploitation and abuse and harassment within the…
- Guidance document, Tools and templates
This resource is the Murad Code which brings together existing minimum standards for the safe and ethical collection and use of information from survivors of systematic and conflict-related sexual violence (SCRSV). It outlines how survivors of…
- Evidence/literature review
This resource sets out the evidence base on technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV), an assessment of evidence gaps, and emerging research priorities. It also sets out some of the key methodological and ethical challenges in accessing…
- Guidance document, Tools and templates
This resource is an International Protocol which outlines best practice guidance on how to document and investigate, sexual violence in conflict settings as a war crime, crime against humanity, act of genocide or other serious violation of…
- Tools and templates
This resource is a research toolkit intended to be used to help prevent child marriage and respond to the needs of married and divorced girls and boys. It focuses on promoting action and inclusion, and looks at the threats and opportunities girls…
- Lessons from a programme
This resource provides a summary of recent evidence and research relating to female genital mutilation (FGM), generated through the Evidence to End FGM Programme. It describes FGM and sets out how this evidence and research has been used to…
- Report
This resource explores how women’s economic empowerment can reduce the risk of modern slavery while also creating a positive impact for women. It examines the drivers of modern slavery that are context and identity specific and explains how…
- Fact sheet
This resource explains what intersectionality is and why it is important to organisations working in humanitarian and development contexts. It also provides advice on how to integrate an intersectional approach into safeguarding work. The…
- Strategy
This resource is the UK Government’s international strategy on women and girls. It explains how the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) plans to advance rights, freedoms and potential of all women and girls in its…
- Strategy
This resource is the UK Government’s strategy on preventing sexual violence in conflict (PSVI). It has 4 objectives: strengthening the global response to conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV)preventing sexual violence in conflicthelping…
- Policy paper
This resource is the political declaration made by over 50 countries and the UN at the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict (PSVI) Conference held in London in 2022. It sets out the joint action they will take to end sexual violence in conflict,…
- Policy paper
This resource is a policy paper which sets out national commitments made by over 40 countries at the International Ministerial Conference on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict 2022. These commitments outline the steps each country will take to…
- Policy paper
This resource is a declaration by the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office as part of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative (PSVI). It has been developed by faith and belief leaders in the UK and has received…