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Societal-level impacts of online violence against women and girls

This resource summarises the evidence on societal-level impact of online violence against women and girls (VAWG). It looks at four main areas: 

  • the economic costs of online VAWG
  • how social norms around violence against women are changing as a result of behaviours and discourse online
  • how online VAWG impacts on political and civic spaces
  • evidence on the links between online VAWG, conflict dynamics and violent extremism

The resource sets out a number of key takeaways. This includes findings that harmful online discourse and behaviour both reflects and amplifies the same social norms that underpin other forms of violence against women and girls, often in racist and discriminatory ways. In addition, it finds that online VAWG has significant consequences for political and civic spaces, threatening women’s right to participate in public and political life. 

Date of publication
What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls
Children and adolescents
Women and girls
Gender equality
Gender-based violence (GBV)       
Type of resource
FCDO-funded resource by partner
Medium (6-20 pages)
Geographical focus