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Published: - Evidence digest, Policy paper
This resource summarises the findings from the Africa Gender Innovation Lab’s work on women’s property rights. It shares examples from Benin, Ghana, Rwanda and Uganda, providing lessons learned from various interventions related to improving women’s…
Published: - Evaluation, Lessons from a programme, Policy paper
This study brief, based on an independent evaluation, examines how projects under the Girls’ Education Challenge Phase II (GEC II) supported girls with disabilities and the outcomes of these interventions. Covering 41 projects across 17 countries,…
Published: - Report
This report presents the approach to the first-ever violence against children and youth surveys (VACS) conducted exclusively in a humanitarian setting in Uganda, in addition to providing an overview of the results of this novel survey, along with…
Published: - Report
This resource examines prevalence and experiences of childhood sexual, physical and emotional violence in connection to the disability status. It looks at the profile of the perpetrator and the negative health outcomes associated with experiencing…
Published: - Case study
This case study is based on the findings of a survey looking at sexual health, reproductive rights and violence against children and youth. It outlines actions taken by humanitarian actors, based on the evidence produced by the Baobab’s Research…