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Published: - Evidence/literature review, Strategy
This resource is a strategy document which reaffirms the UK’s commitment to act as a global leader on disability inclusion and sets out the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s approach towards 2030. It builds on the UK’s…
Published: - Strategy
This resource is the UK Government’s international strategy on women and girls. It explains how the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) plans to advance rights, freedoms and potential of all women and girls in its…
Published: - Strategy
This resource is the UK Government’s strategy on preventing sexual violence in conflict (PSVI). It has 4 objectives:  strengthening the global response to conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV)preventing sexual violence in conflicthelping…
Published: - Policy paper, Strategy
This resource highlights the Global Innovation Fund’s climate strategy, covering context, resilience and adaptation, and how the Fund will support climate adaptation in alignment with the Paris Agreement. According to this resource, the Global…