People with disabilities
The third Global Disability Summit will be held between 2-3 April 2024 in Berlin, Germany. The summit provides a platform to discuss global efforts to advance disability inclusion. It was created in 2017 to convene global, regional, and national…
This short resource sets out practical steps that can be taken to ensure that sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services, including family planning services, are inclusive and accessible for people with disabilities. It provides…
- Evidence/literature review
This resource sets out how high-volume road and rail transport situations in urban areas and along long-distance transport corridors can negatively affect or exclude women, girls and other marginalised groups (people with disabilities, older people…
- Video, Multimedia
This 1.36 minute video shares experiences of the barriers faced by people with disability when accessing healthcare services. It explores different types of barriers, such as mobility, access to transportation, attitudes of healthcare professionals…
- Graphic resource, Tools and templates, Multimedia
This poster is a low-literacy and disability friendly infographic, illustrating the process of survivors of gender-based violence seeking aid from judiciary and victim support systems. The posters include two scenarios and a flowchart explaining the…
- Guidance document
This interactive website explains how the social protection systems protect people against poverty, increased vulnerability, and social exclusion through a combination of social assistance, social insurance, labour market practices and social care…
- Mapping, Tools and templates
This resource provides a catalogue of innovations taken to increase the inclusion of people with disability and older people in humanitarian aid. It is based on the Humanitarian Innovation Fund’s 2020 Gap analysis: the inclusion of people with…
- Policy paper
This policy brief provides an evidence review of literature focusing on the intersectional risks facing adolescents in the low- and middle-income countries due to climate change. The resource sets out practice in meaningfully including young people…
- Lessons from a programme
This rapid literature review explores which community driven development (CDD) programmes have a clear focus or impact on indigenous people, ethnic minority groups or people with disabilities.It describes findings and lessons learned from selected…
- Guidance document
This briefing note from the Knowledge, evidence and learning for development (K4D) programme summarises key considerations and resources to guide the inclusion of people most affected by intersecting inequalities in coordinated humanitarian,…
- Evidence/literature review
This rapid literature review from the Knowledge, evidence and learning for development (K4D) programme summarises the key evidence on the impact of social inequalities and discrimination on vulnerability to crises. The review focuses on inequalities…
- Guidance document, Tools and templates
This resource from the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) provides guidance on how to incorporate disability inclusion within climate change programming in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs), Syria, Turkey and Yemen.…
- Report
This report presents the results of a 14-month exploratory research project on the links between disability and climate resilience. The report outlines the implications of the findings for policy and programme work that builds the…
- Evidence/literature review
This resource is part of a series of ‘poverty profiles’ by the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) focused on eight of the most marginalised group-based identities. It responds to the fact that global progress has not benefitted everyone equally,…
- Evidence/literature review
This resource is part of a series of ‘poverty profiles’ by the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) focused on eight of the most marginalised group-based identities. It responds to the fact that global progress has not benefitted everyone equally,…
- Evidence/literature review
This research focuses on the risks of navigating access to social assistance in crises for marginalised people such as women and girls, children and youth, older people, people with disabilities, ethnic and religious minorities, and sexual and…
- Lessons from a programme
This article examines the impact of a disability-inclusive intervention on learning outcomes for girls with disabilities in Kenya. It summarises the pre-existing circumstances and the project implemented by the non-governmental organisation. It…
- Guidance document, Policy paper
This document provides an overview of challenges faced by people with disabilities during pandemic responses. It also provides recommendations to policymakers about how to improve disability inclusion in these responses.
- Evidence/literature review
This resource summarises evidence on violence against women and girls (VAWG) and intersectionality. It shares evidence on which groups of women are at increased risk of violence due to multiple discriminations or disadvantages. It also explains how…
- Guidance document
This resource focuses on safeguarding people with disabilities and mental health conditions in humanitarian and development programmes. It was written in collaboration with people with disabilities. The resource contains three parts:definitions…
- Case study, Evidence/literature review, Lessons from a programme
This resource examines the intersections of disability, gender and violence. It summarises early evidence on intimate partner violence (IPV) from the global What Works Violence against Women and Girls Programme (the ‘What Works’ programme), which…