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Published: - Evidence digest
This resource from the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) outlines the evidence on the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer (LGBTIQ+) people with disabilities. It highlights a shortage of evidence and guidance…
Published: - Evidence digest
This resource from the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) is an evidence digest on health and disability inclusion. It contains a guest blog from Alarcos Cieza on disability inclusion in health systems. It looks at the latest evidence and…
Published: - Tools and templates
A gender equality and social inclusion scan is a tool and a process based on a participatory methodology to promote organisational learning and practical ways to mainstream gender and inclusion. This resource contains guidance and various tools…
Published: - Evidence digest, Mapping
This resource from the Knowledge, evidence and learning for development (K4D) helpdesk is a rapid review focused on identifying donor support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT+) rights. It looks at how bilateral and multilateral…
Published: - Evidence/literature review
This resource looks at the lessons learned on disability and education with the support of the Impact Initiative. It shares what works in education for people with disabilities, looks at how to make education more accessible, and provides…
Published: - Fact sheet 
This resource is a factsheet on women and disability inclusion in Future Cities programmes. It highlights the challenge that women and people with disabilities face, including barriers to opportunities in cities, and their underrepresentation in…
Published: - Evidence/literature review
This resource is part of a series of ‘poverty profiles’ by the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) focused on eight of the most marginalised group-based identities. It responds to the fact that global progress has not benefitted everyone equally,…
Published: - Evidence/literature review
This resource is part of a series of ‘poverty profiles’ by the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) focused on eight of the most marginalised group-based identities. It responds to the fact that global progress has not benefitted everyone…
Published: - Evidence/literature review
This resource is part of a series of ‘poverty profiles’ by the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) focused on eight of the most marginalised group-based identities. It responds to the fact that global progress has not benefitted everyone equally,…
Published: - Evidence/literature review
This resource is part of a series of ‘poverty profiles’ by the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) focused on eight of the most marginalised group-based identities. It responds to the fact that global progress has not benefitted everyone equally,…
Published: - Evidence/literature review
This resource discusses the global shift towards digitalisation, and how this is driving technical, social and organisational changes. Having the capacity to leverage digital technology has been identified as essential to ensuring individual…
Published: - Evidence/literature review
This resource from the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) explains what works to ensure that people with mental health conditions and psychosocial disabilities can enjoy their human rights and participate at all levels of decision-making. It…
Published: - Policy paper, Video, Multimedia
This resource is a call to action to all stakeholders to include people with disabilities in response and recovery phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes a 6-minutes long video that shows the key messages from the Global Action on Disability…
Published: - Guidance document, Policy paper
This resource sets out what the UK Government is doing to improve safeguarding standards across its overseas development assistance work. It focuses specifically on safeguarding from sexual exploitation and abuse and harassment within the…
Published: - Tools and templates
This resource is designed to be used when working with organisations of people with disabilities (OPDs). It is based on learning from programmes in the international development sector. Organisations of people with disabilities tested this tool.…
Published: - Lessons from a programme
This resource outlines the limited way in which adolescents are included in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It focuses on the data gap in relation to adolescent boys and girls in the SDGs, and how their needs and risks are…
Published: - Guidance document
This is a set of three resources from the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) on how to make social protection programmes accessible and effective for people with disabilities. These resources explain why it is important that people with…
Published: - Guidance document, Tools and templates
This resource is the Murad Code which brings together existing minimum standards for the safe and ethical collection and use of information from survivors of systematic and conflict-related sexual violence (SCRSV). It outlines how survivors of…
Published: -
This resource outlines factors that influence how effective teaching is for marginalised adolescent girls. It is designed to help programmes and policy makers improve their approach to teacher professional development through providing guidance on…
Published: - Guidance document
This resource explains the challenges people with disabilities can experience in humanitarian settings. These include barriers to accessing humanitarian assistance, protection risks, and stigmatisation and discrimination. The resource sets out…
Published: - Guidance document
This resource from the Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development (K4D) programme provides guidance on how to ensure socially excluded people are taken into consideration in crisis settings, including humanitarian and conflict-affected…