This resource provides advice on how to design a national disability-inclusive social protection system. It is aimed at policy makers and practitioners, offering examples from work of the governments and development organisations in different…
Disability inclusion
- Guidance document
- Evidence/literature review
This report from the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) highlights the benefits of prioritising gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) while working in the area of poverty reduction, trade and economic development, peace and…
- Graphic resource, Multimedia, Policy paper, Report
This policy note sets out the barriers faced by adolescents with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries. It summarises the findings and recommendations from the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) report ‘Adolescents with…
- Fact sheet
This resource outlines the safeguarding risks faced by refugees with physical disabilities. It provides guidance on how civil society organisations and humanitarian actors can adapt their safeguarding measures to prevent harm from occurring to…
- Evaluation, Lessons from a programme, Policy paper
This study brief, based on an independent evaluation, examines how projects under the Girls’ Education Challenge Phase II (GEC II) supported girls with disabilities and the outcomes of these interventions. Covering 41 projects across 17 countries,…
- Evidence digest, Guidance document
This evidence digest from the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) compiles key evidence, practical guidance and lessons learnt on engaging with organisations of people with disabilities (OPDs) in development and humanitarian settings. It includes…
- Guidance document
This guidance document highlights practical examples of ensuring that women and girls with disabilities participate and benefit from programming, drawing from a content analysis of projects from across the work of Inclusive Futures between the…
- Report
This report reviews existing technical guidance on ethical and equitable inclusion of marginalised groups in humanitarian health research. Commissioned by the International Rescue Committee, it identifies gaps in current research standards and…
- Guidance document, Report, Tools and templates
This resource provides guidance and tools to support more inclusive and climate-resilient transport in Africa. It can be used as a reference document to assist transport decision-makers, transport planners and groups representing people with…
- Evidence/literature review
This summary report provides findings from an assessment of interventions aiming to improve educational outcomes for people with disabilities, focusing on low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). It shares a summary of reviewed evidence, key…
- Evidence/literature review, Report
This report sets out the prevalence of stigma and discrimination faced by persons with disabilities and their families in Malawi. It shares findings from a research study on the potential of Para sport for addressing disability stigma and provides a…
- Report
This resource examines prevalence and experiences of childhood sexual, physical and emotional violence in connection to the disability status. It looks at the profile of the perpetrator and the negative health outcomes associated with experiencing…
- Guidance document, Lessons from a programme, Tools and templates
The guidelines provide recommendations on how to conduct participatory research with people with disabilities. The guidelines are based on reflections, lessons learned, and examples of practices researched by the authors. These resources can be used…
The third Global Disability Summit will be held between 2-3 April 2024 in Berlin, Germany. The summit provides a platform to discuss global efforts to advance disability inclusion. It was created in 2017 to convene global, regional, and national…
This short resource sets out practical steps that can be taken to ensure that sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services, including family planning services, are inclusive and accessible for people with disabilities. It provides…
- Graphic resource, Tools and templates, Multimedia
This poster is a low-literacy and disability friendly infographic, illustrating the process of survivors of gender-based violence seeking aid from judiciary and victim support systems. The posters include two scenarios and a flowchart explaining the…
- Lessons from a programme
This rapid literature review explores which community driven development (CDD) programmes have a clear focus or impact on indigenous people, ethnic minority groups or people with disabilities.It describes findings and lessons learned from selected…
- Guidance document
This briefing note from the Knowledge, evidence and learning for development (K4D) programme summarises key considerations and resources to guide the inclusion of people most affected by intersecting inequalities in coordinated humanitarian,…
- Guidance document, Tools and templates
This resource from the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) provides guidance on how to incorporate disability inclusion within climate change programming in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs), Syria, Turkey and Yemen.…
- Report
This resource from the Knowledge, evidence and learning for development (K4D) programme is a rapid review summarising relevant analytical frameworks and good practice for analysing intersecting social inequalities in crisis settings. The focus is on…
- Evidence/literature review
This research focuses on the risks of navigating access to social assistance in crises for marginalised people such as women and girls, children and youth, older people, people with disabilities, ethnic and religious minorities, and sexual and…