This resource sets out the safeguarding risks faced by older refugees in the Middle East and North Africa. It focuses on protection from harm and ensuring they have access to vital services. It also provides guidance on how organisations working…
Fact sheet
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This resource outlines the safeguarding risks faced by refugees with physical disabilities. It provides guidance on how civil society organisations and humanitarian actors can adapt their safeguarding measures to prevent harm from occurring to…
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This bitesize note clarifies the distinctions and overlaps between sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment and gender-based violence within the development and humanitarian sectors. It provides a concise overview to help practitioners…
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This resource explains how organisations can work effectively on prevention of gender-based violence (GBV). It explains steps that should be taken in strengthening organisational systems and structures, strengthening technical skills and…
- Fact sheet
This guide helps tax professionals consider key questions on gender while designing tax programmes. The purpose of this guide is to share learnings with donors. It refers to two categories of support that development actors may provide to…
- Fact sheet , Guidance document
This resource is guidance developed for country offices in the UK Government’s former Department for International Development (DFID) to support them with efforts to prevent and address violence against women (VAW) and violence, abuse and…
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This short resource from the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) sets out evidence to show that infrastructure is vital for societal development and economic progress, however the benefits are often not distributed equally. It provides…
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This short resource compiles key data on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD)-compliance in Official Development Assistance (ODA) funded programmes. This analysis was originally published in Inclusion…
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This resource is a factsheet on women and disability inclusion in Future Cities programmes. It highlights the challenge that women and people with disabilities face, including barriers to opportunities in cities, and their underrepresentation in…
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This resource focuses on women’s economic empowerment and disability inclusion in financial services. It highlights barriers to accessing financial services experienced by women and girls and people with disabilities. It explains how access to…
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This resource outlines key principles to consider when applying safeguarding measures in humanitarian and development work. It makes specific recommendations around the inclusion of people with disabilities within safeguarding efforts. Also…
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This resource explains what intersectionality is and why it is important to organisations working in humanitarian and development contexts. It also provides advice on how to integrate an intersectional approach into safeguarding work. The…
- Fact sheet
This resource is part of a series of ‘poverty profiles’ by the Disability Inclusion Helpdesk (DI HD) focused on eight of the most marginalised group-based identities. It responds to the fact that global progress has not benefitted everyone equally,…